The Last Will & Testament of John BURDGE, Sr. & Related Probate data for the above Will

Will written: 9 July 1821, Howell Twp. Monmouth Co NJ

Probate opened on 18 March 1830, recorded at Freehold, Monmouth Co NJ.

# 9878 M found in NJA, Monmouth Co Wills, roll #982

transcribed from a photocopy of the original on 27 April 1999

by Susan Bidwell Williams P O Box 1584 Gilbert AZ 85299

Email:   Home: (480) 892-8578


NOTE:       All transcription errors are the fault of the above person.  Where data is illegible or cannot be recognized as a valid word a ------- occurs.  If there is a possible reading it will appear in [brackets].                             


Page 1 of copies

Cover of Will Packet:   Preprinted 9878 M

Written: John Burdge Sr; Will; March 18 1830; Recorded in the Surrogate Office of the county of Monmouth at Freehold in Boo- [k] - [capital letter C] of Wills folio 152-.

Signed: - [G, J, L]. C. Vanherhoef  Surrogate


Page 2 of copies

Richard Longstreet Junior one of the witnesses to the --------[firthling] wills being duly sworn according to law did declare and said that he saw John Burdge Senr the testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and declare the said writing to be his last will and testament, and that at  the doing thereof he was of sound disposing mind and memory so far as he knows and as he verily believes, and that Richard Longstreet, Senr & Taber C Jeffrey the other -----------[subscribing] --------[intrueped] were present at the time & signed their names as -------[intuepe] to the said will together with this deponent in the presence of the said testator.

Signed: Richard Longstreet

------ and -------- [Livvus and Desended] at Freehold

March 18. 1830 before me

 - C. Vanherhoef     Surrogate

Joseph Burdge one of the executors in the within instrument named being duly sworn according to law did declare and say that the herein writing contains the true last will & testament of John Burdge Sen. The testator therein named as far as he knows and as verily believes _that he will well and verily perform the same by paying first the debts and then the legacies in the said testament specified as far as the goods, chattels and credit of the said deceased wills there into extends and he will make and exhibit ---in the Surrogates office of the County of Monmouth as a true and perfect inventory of the said deceased as can believe come to ----------of----------  all and singular the goods, chattels & credits as to the  ---------[hopepious] of any other person or persons --------  ---------and sends as a just and true account -------- therein to law fully required.

Sworn & Subscribed at                                    Signed:    Joseph Burdge

Freehold March 18 1830

before me

-. C. Vanherhoef



Page 3 & 4 of copies

In the name of God Amen.  I, John Burdge of Howell in the County of Monmouth and the State of New Jersey, being of sound mind and memory revoking all others/ do make and ordain and publish this as my Testament and last will.  Imprimis it is my will that all my honest debts and financial charges be paid as soon as circumstances will admit after my decease; Item to my beloved wife Mary Burdge I give and bequeath the use of the two back rooms in my dwelling house with the use of the two feather beds and bedding and one cow for and during her material life or while she continues my widow, and I further order and direct that my son Joseph herein after to be named shall provide a reasonable & necessary maintenance for her while she continues to remain in the apartments which I have assigned her. This he is to do in  consideration of the devise herein made to him.  Item to my son Jonathan Burdge I give the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid by my son Joseph at the expiration of one year after my decease: Item to my son William I give the sum of fifty dollars to be paid by my son Joseph at the expiration of one year and six months after my decease; Item to my son John I give and bequeath the -------[ordm] and quantity of four chains of land beginning at the northeast corner of the land which I have conveyed to him by deed then running east along the lines four chains thence due south to my southern boundary let the same contain more or less; Item to my son Joseph I give and bequeath all my real estate not before disposed of subject to the payment of my just debts, funeral charges the above mentioned legacies and the maintenance of my beloved wife Mary.  Item to my daughters Mary M Maxson, Phebe Errickson, Lydia Parker, Sarah Dickinson, Nancy Bilyeu, Deborah Lippincott, Hannah Van Note I give & bequeath all my personal estate to be equally divided among them  --------------------[probably: share and share] alike. It is also my will and I hereby order and direct that the share of my personal estate bequeathed to Phebe Errickson ---[my] daughter shall remain in the hands of my son Joseph and shall only be payable to her order and not subject to ----- control of her husband; and I also order and direct that the share bequeathed to Lydia Parker shall remain in the hands of my grandson William Parker subject only to the order of my said daughter Lydia and not to the control of her husband.  Item it is my will that of either or several above mentioned children should die before me then and in such case the devise made unto such child to go to the child or children of such deceased child in equal portions. Item I appoint my friend Taber

Chadwick and my son Joseph Burdge the executors of this my testament and last will.

Signed sealed  published and declared by the said John Burdge as his testament and last will this ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one 1821 in the presence of

John Burdge sen


Richard Longstreet, Junes [Junior]

Richard Longstreet, Sener

Taber C Jeffery


Page 5 of copies

Preprinted:      9878 M

Written:          John BURDGE


March 10 1830

Recorded in the Surrogate office of the County of Monmouth at Freehold in Liber H of Inventory folio 402--------

-. C. Vanherhoef   Surrogate


Page 6 of copies

A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, rights & Credits, of John Burdge Sen late of the Township of Howell dec’d made by us whose names are hereunto subscribed.

Silver money in leather purse                                                  $ 3.00

Wearing apparel                                                                         13.00

Large chest & sundry tools therein                                             4.50             

Bed bedding and bedstead willed to the widow                           6.00

Pair of saddlebags                                                                       1.00

1 old table & woolen [wooden]   wheel                                          1.50

18 new chair frames                                                       3/         6.75 

6 old chairs with bottoms                                                           1.25

1 old chair                                                                                    .25

1 lot (4) leather bound books                                                      1.00

1 wooden box, hammer, powder horn & shot bag                           .12 ½

1 large old basket                                                                         .6     [.06]

Lot of hen feathers inn old tick willed to widow                         1.00

Round table in kitchen                                                                .75

Bread tray                                                                                  .6      [.06]

Knife box & settle [kettle]                                                          .50

Stone jug; 2 ----[tankk] bottles; tin kettle; plate & candlestick           .62 ½

Meal chest in back kitchen                                                       37 ½

2 iron pots, griddle & old ---[Inn] tea kettle                            87 ½

1 large broken pot                                                                    . 6       [.06]

2 pewter platters, brass kettle & pickle tub                            1.00

2 trammels, pair andirons, Grid iron, bayonet                           2.19

Lot of turned stuff for wooden wheels, etc                             .25

2 vinegar barrels                                                                      .62 ½

24 clothes pins                                                                         .20

The remaining ------ & c of an old pail                                      .12 ½

3 tight --------[tiercez] in cellar                                              1.25

1 wooden tunnel & 3 ------                                                        1.00

1 “Old” iron bound Hhd & leech tub                                          1.50

2 meat tubs & soap tub                                                            3.00

1 lot of lumber in cellar                                                              .10

1 barrel, trap springs                                                               1.25

Pair lines & bridle                                                                     1.00

Lot of harness                                                                         1.25

Old sled                                                                                     .6       [,06]

5 axes in workshop                                                                   .52

Lot of iron in cask ditto [workshop]                                         2.50

2 iron wedges                                                                           .50


Note: This completes page 1 of inventory                             $60.07


On bottom of page:                  “Turn over”


Page 7 of copies Continuation of Inventory

Amount brought forward                                                         $60.07

Waggon boxes & Clevice in shop loft                                              .37

------Cutter & part of Ox chai- [chain/chair]                                1.00

Cross cut saw                                                                                2.30

Iron chisel and hand saw                                                                .50

Old saddle                                                                                     .6   [.06]

Hammer, pitchfork & plane                                                             .37

Cutting knife & scythe                                                                   .6   [.06]

small new chair frame                                                                     .37

Calf skin & ½ deer skin                                                                    .90

Old Bed stead and bed cord                                                            1.00

2 pieces of waggon tyre in crib                                                        .40

Powder horn & shot bag                                                                   .25

Hive of Bees                                                                                   1.00

4 empty hives                                                                                   .25

Half of grindstone & crank                                                              .25

1 chest & half bushel & -----in barn                                                  .87

2 frails & rake                                                                                 .18

1 Bay Mare                                                                                   25.00

Hubbs, spokes & hoops of hind wheels; hubs & spoke of forewheels, Boesteerbands, 5 bolts & 4 ----attached to wagon                                                                       2.50

1 red cow with short tail                                                               10.00

1 dark red cow, brown head                                                           11.00

1 red cow willed to widow                                                             12.00

16 Harrow teeth & clevice attached                                              1.00

1 Coutter & clevice                                                                         1.00

1 capboard Dresser in the kitchen                                                 2.00

$ 134.96


Appraised by us           He---- Herbert

John B Williams

John B Williams one of the appraisers of the foregoing inventory being duly sworn according to law declare and say that the goods chattels &  ------ in the said inventory set down and specified were by him appraised according to I— and ----- ref------ ----& ----after the best of his judgement & understanding and that Honc- Herbert the other appraiser herein named


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------  -------- was present at the same time and consented in all things to the doing thereof another  by appraiser all things that were broryes [   ?] to there -isa {?] for appraisement.

Signed                                     John B Williams

Sworn & Subscribed at Freehold

March 18 1830 before me

-. C. Vanherhoef           Surrogate


Joseph Burdge one of the executors of the last will and testament of John Burdge dec’d being duly sworn according to law s--d sealed and  -day that the foregoing inventory contains a true & perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, Chattels, ----- of the said deceased so far as have come to his knowledge ------- into the ------------- of any other person or persons for his ------al ----- time of appraisal.

Signed    Joseph Burdge

Sworn & subscribed at Freehold

March 18 1830 before me

-. C. Van------hof          Surrogate