Wells Family - Person Sheet
Wells Family - Person Sheet
NameRichard Wells
Death1769, Frederick Co, VA
Misc. Notes
His land grant of 318 acres on the Potomac river, adjacent to Lord Fairfax, was surveyed 19 Dec 1751 by John Mauzy, while he lived on it. A Wm Wells was one of the chain carriers for the survey.
Following Richard’s death, the Frederick Co. Court appointed Thomas Applegate, Peter Newkirk and Henry Limon to administer his estate, with a $500 bond, on August 1, 1769 ; with Tunis Hood, John McLaughlin, James Hawthorn, and Mathew McKay to appraise the property.
The deed was first issued 15 June, 1770, when it was given to Tunis Wells, his sole heir.
The abstract of Virginia's Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys - Frederick County 1747 - 1780, Vol II by Peggy Shomo Joyner (1984); page 164 lists: "Tunis Wells, heir at law of Richard Wells; no war't, surv'd 19 Dec 1751; 318 a. on Potomack R. (Rich'd Wells house drawn on plat); adj. his Lordship. CC - Leonard White & Wm Wells. Surv. John Mauzy. N.d. - Thomas Applegate, Adm'r of Rich'd Wells, dec'd, desires deed to Tunis Wells, only Son & Heir at Law of Rich'd Wells." (CC= chain carriers)

PLACE: Frederick Co, VA became Berkeley Co in 1772. Berkeley Co was one of the counties which formed West Virginia as a Union state during the Civil War in 1863.
ChildrenTunis (1745-1809)
Last Modified 20 Jan 2024Created 28 Feb 2024 using Reunion on a Mac