Wells Family - Person Sheet
NameLois Hovey
Birth13 Jul 1736, Mansfield, Tolland Co, CT
Deathaft 1771
Birth6 Feb 1735/36, Willington, Tolland Co, CT
Death10 Oct 1776
Misc. Notes
Captain Elijah Fenton was killed at the Battle of Concord during the Revolution War in 1776.
Index of Revolutionary War pension applications: Elijah Connecticut s10662
Called into service April 17, 1775 as British retreated from Lexington. Minutemen were assembled
by authority of the assembly or provincial congress subject to the call of the committee of safety. Zoeth Eldredge served under Major Elijah Fenton.
Marriage3 Jun 1761, Mansfield, Tolland Co, CT
Marr Memo1st Congregational Church