NameFrances Winifred Conrow
Birth29 Mar 1904, Wabaunsee, Wabaunsee Co, KS
DeathApr 1997, Newfoundland, Canada
Misc. Notes
B.S. in Education from K.S.T.C. in 1926, then went to Labrador for 4 yrs. became a missionary, went to Newfoundland where she met her husband. Married someone in the fishing industry, and may have lived in Halifax, Canada. I have a copy of her autobiography, titled "Seven Times Around, the year of the Dragon"
Had 3 children, 1 adopted son, 11 grandchildren.
Contributor to "Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie" from Mt Moriah, Corner Brook, Newfoundland.
Living in a nursing home at age 92 - address: Sr. Citizens Center 35 Churchhill Crescent, Corner Brook, Newfoundland A2H 5L8 CANADA
Birth30 Sep 1897, Cape Charles, Labrador, Canada
Death17 Jun 1990, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada
OccupationLabrador fisherman
Misc. Notes
Son of Albert and Eliza (Stone) Pye
Siblings - Charles, Arthur, Herbert, Ethel Shears, Winifred Patey, Marjorie George.
Marriage28 Jun 1932, Curling, Newfoundland, Canada